E3 2007 - The Console Wars Heating Up

The most notorious gaming convention of the year took place recently. Of course I am talking about E3. All the heavy hitters are had press conferences to accentuate their products. Some of these companies entail Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony.

Clearly, Microsoft and Nintendo have won the initial console wars with sales exceeding Sony. This is partially due to the fact that people have to take out a loan in order to purchase a PlayStation 3. Another plausible reason is the quality of games on the PS3; the games are lackluster (with the exception of Ninja Gaiden Sigma). On the other end of the spectrum, the Xbox 360 has brilliant games such as Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 1and 2, Gears of War, and Lost Planet; conversely, the PS3 has some metrosexual androgynous butt-pirate protagonist named Genji. Gears of War would pulverize Genji with a chainsaw.

The Nintendo Wii is more like an exercise program than a legitimate console. The reasons the Wii is selling is because it is the least expensive and it appeals to children. You will feel like watching a Taebo work out video when playing a Wii rather than a video game. Video games are suppose to be an escape from reality; however, they should not be cumbersome and tiring. If your name is Rosie O'Donnell, then the Wii is for you because you will lose a significant amount of weight using a Wii.

Wondering what the future hold for the PlayStation 3? Those of you who are wondering if the PS3's demise is inevitable, the answer is no. A myriad of consoles have bizarrely dreadful launch titles, but rebound at a later date. Do not fret if you own a PS3 because help is on the way. Konami, Square-Enix, and Capcom are companies who are spending the big bucks promoting games like Metal Gear Solid 4, Final Fantasy 13, and Resident Evil 5. The answer to the billion dollar question is YES, YES, YES. There will be hope for the PlayStation 3 because the price will decrease, and the quality will drastically improve. Until then all we can do is just sit and wait.
