What Causes Acne? Information About Sports and Acne Mechanica

Playing any kind of sports cannot only be a great way to get in shape, it can also improve your overall health and provide a healthy outlet for your emotions. Whether you're an active member of any sports team or you just like to jog around the block every morning, believe it or not, you're also increasing your chances of acquiring certain skin conditions.

A fairly common acne condition you might get when playing any kind of sports is Acne mechanica. This condition is triggered by the humid environment usually present in gyms and locker rooms, excess sweat, friction, and heat caused by tight athletic gears or outfits.

If you're not sure what causes the acne on your back or shoulders, it might be the sports gear you use. Take note of these following situations that usually lead to acne mechanica:

- You regularly wear protective gears such as caps or helmets and you notice zits growing on the area covered by your helmet.

- The area covered by your knee pads starts to develop zits and acne-like rashes.

- The strap of your backpack seems to irritate your shoulders because zits start to sprout even though you never had acne on that area before.

- The breakouts on your legs seem to worsen every time you wear your favorite skinny jeans.

- Areas covered by your tight brassiere start to develop rashes and pimples.

In some cases, this condition can be triggered if you have “sandpaper acne” prior to using tight sports outfits or gears. Despite the possibility of getting acne mechanica, however, you shouldn't be discouraged to try out for your college soccer team since there are many ways to prevent and treat this condition:

- Always wash your sports outfits and use only clean shirts made of breathable fabrics.

- Try to avoid wearing man-made fabrics such as polyester since these kinds of cloths do not absorb excess sweat.

- If your sports gear is too tight, try to loosen it up a bit or wear a breathable fabric underneath to protect your skin.

- If you really don't need to wear a headband or a hat, then don't wear it at all. Prolonged use of tight headbands and caps can trap in the excess oils and might provide a excessively humid environment for the pimple-causing bacteria to grow.

- Clean your sports gears on a regular basis to prevent build-up of bacteria and excess sweat.

- Do not rigorously scrub any area that might be affected by this skin condition since friction might cause more breakouts.

- After cooling down, try to take a shower immediately to remove excess oils and relieve your skin of the friction and heat that might be caused by your uniform.

- Try applying medications on the affected area. OTC treatments such as benzoyl peroxide, resorcinol, and salicylic acid can help remove those acne-like rashes.

If your acne mechanica doesn't improve after trying out these tips, you can try to consult a dermatologist for a more effective treatment.
